Tattoo Story: J-Bird

“Everyone deserves a chance to fly”

This was my very first tattoo. It’s a quote from the musical, “Wicked”. Its sung at a very pivotal point in the musical where the “wicked” witch defies all odds and flies, even when there are people trying to stop her. This quote reminds me that even though people may try to bring me down, I know I can defy their expectations and just be myself. If I don’t at least try, they win.



My best friend Mo stuck and poked me right before I moved for the Bay. Not only did it symbolize our friendship but it also symbolizes that no matter where I end up, that compass will always keep me from getting lost.

Crane Tattoo

My grandfather was the first family member to pass away. I remember it was so hard for me to cope with his death that getting this tattoo in his memory was the only thing that helped ease my pain. I remembered my grandfather used to play with these Japanese playing cards. When he played, I remember as a child how that was the only time I really saw him smile and really enjoy himself. I took an image from one of these cards and did my own drawing interpretation of it.

When I started to identify as “Queer”, not just as a “Lesbian”, is when I got this tattoo. I couldn’t have been more proud of how much I opened my heart and my mind to infinite possibilities of sex, gender, identity, and love.


Live in San Francisco and have some ink you’d like to show off, or are a tattoo artist who just finished a really cool piece? Contact me about a shoot. I’m always looking for people with creative and interesting tats to work with.

Shelldance Gardens, Pacifica


Shelldance Orchid Gardens consists of several greenhouses full of the most beautiful plants you may ever see outside of Hawaii. Their collection of tillandsia and bromeliads are second to none, and I can easily spend hours here just wandering around and soaking in the energy of being around so many growing, oxygen-exuding plants. Treat yourself to a visit, they are open to the public on the weekends.

Cari – Beautiful Bride Portraits

I’m working up a whole blog post of Cari and Stephane’s wedding photos, but in the meantime, enjoy a few shots from our casual portrait session at the Westin St. Francis hotel here in San Francisco.





Ok, so that last one isn’t technically of the bride, but these were some very photogenic children!

Noel Noir + Project Nunway


Holiday decadence was only a starting point for this fashion show. The party, Noel Noir, was held at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, with music, art, and the infamous ‘Project Nunway’ fashion show. Pairing local designers with members of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, this was one of the best, most over the top fashion experiences I’ve ever had the luck to photograph.

If you aren’t familiar with the work the Sisters do, here’s a blurb from their website –

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence® is a leading-edge Order of queer nuns. Since our first appearance in San Francisco on Easter Sunday, 1979, the Sisters have devoted ourselves to community service, ministry and outreach to those on the edges, and to promoting human rights, respect for diversity and spiritual enlightenment. We believe all people have a right to express their unique joy and beauty and we use humor and irreverent wit to expose the forces of bigotry, complacency and guilt that chain the human spirit.

The sisters do incredible, important work. And don’t even try to out-dress them.



I’m trying something a little different, with the imbedded slideshow. Let me know what you think!

Project Nunway, 2010 – Images by Tristan Crane