San Francisco Family Portrait Session – The Twins

The bay area is back to feeling cold and wintery, but a few weeks ago you’d never have known it was January! I took advantage of the warm weather to do a few outdoor shoots and spent a few hours in Alamo Square park with these adorable twins (their parents tagged along as well.)

Much more cute below the cut!

Continue reading “San Francisco Family Portrait Session – The Twins”

San Francisco Love

My longest relationship by far has been with this city, with San Francisco. I love the fog, the chilly summers, the Victorian houses, the diverse culture. I moved here when I was 20 years old and as much as I love to travel elsewhere, coming home to you, San Francisco, is where I find my heart.

Maternity Shoot, Kelly and Greg

It’s always both a pleasure and extra nerve-wracking to work with friends, but Kelly and Greg were kind enough to trust me with both their wedding photographs and a maternity session. I can’t wait to meet the new member of their family! Apparently he’s been kicking up a storm and will be arriving in just a few short weeks. We started the shoot in Golden Gate park, on a day that turned out to be colder than expected, and after an hour we moved indoors. Both Kelly and Greg are super talented musicians (a skill I lack utterly despite my great appreciation of music), so we shot a whole set of images in their downstairs practice room.

Many more below the cut! Continue reading “Maternity Shoot, Kelly and Greg”

Latest Prop 8 Ruling – Unconstitutional

The San Francisco 9th Circuit court has ruled today to uphold Judge Walkers decision that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional.

I don’t often post about politics on this blog, my emphasis here is to focus on the images. In this case, however, I feel that marriage equality is a hugely important issue and am astounded that so many people in my home state feel that two adult human beings should be denied that right based on sexual orientation.

Laws have no place in dictating people’s freedom of religion, or their right to marry. We live in a diverse and beautiful world with a wide range of human experience. I will always support the rights of all adult human beings to love whom they love. Marriage for all!

“Cherry Blossom” Season in San Francisco




















My favorite herald of spring, when the trees in our neighborhood burst into bloom with these fragile pink blossoms. According to a friend, they aren’t actually cherry blossoms, but ornamental plums. Which makes perfect sense, because I have never noticed any actual fruit produced by these trees! Still, they’re a lovely display, no?