Point Bonita Lighthouse, Fuji X-pro1


As I told a client last week “Bay Area weather is always an unknown. It might be sunny, or foggy, or both at the same time.” This was the case on a Sunday; we hiked out to the Point Bonita Lighthouse and spent some much needed time sitting on the beach watching seals play in the surf. All photos shot with the Fuji X-Pro1, 35 mm 1.4.


Who brings their Macbook pro to the beach? This guy!


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San Francisco Botanical Garden

The weather was so beautiful today, I took a few hours off of work to wander in the San Francisco Botanical Garden with my Fuji X-pro1. (All images shot with the 35mm lens, although I’m strongly tempted to pick up the 60mm as a holiday gift for myself!)

These squirrels are hilarious, they’re so used to being fed (although one is not supposed to feed them), they come right up to you, but then scamper off once they determine no treats are forthcoming.

Fuji X-Pro1 Firmware Update

I’m hip-deep in a lot of retouching, and have some fun stuff to share coming up – including a few amazing weddings. I did want to drop a note about the latest firmware update for the X-Pro1. MUCH faster focus and some nice options -faster write to the card, faster delete, just all around improved performance for the camera. My friend Indra was vending at a club event last week, so I had a chance to test it in some really tricky lighting situations and was extremely impressed at the upgrade! Download the new update here.

All images were shot with the 35mm 1.4 lens

Check out the definition in the black areas on this shot. I’m more and more impressed with this camera’s performance in low light situations, as well as the auto white balance. Fuji also just announced an exciting new camera at Photokina – the X-E1, which looks terrific. I might need to get one for my partner so we’ll both have a Fuji and can share lenses!

Fujifilm X-Pro1

Plenty of other people and websites have reviewed this camera, but it was Zack Arias’s post about it which pushed me over the edge on making the purchase. I’ve been looking for a good travel/backpacking/street photography camera for a while. Much as I love the 5d Mk 2 and 3, carrying around that and a couple of lenses can be hell on your back after a while. I needed something I can throw into a bag to carry around, and I wanted a less intimidating camera for photographing people on the street.

So, I’ve been shooting with the X-Pro1 for a month or so now, and my love affair with this camera has only begun. Fuji recently announced their upcoming lens roadmap and the future looks bright. Currently I only have the 35mm 1.4 lens, but am already planning to expand my kit for this camera and plan to start using it at weddings.

More sample images below the jump Continue reading “Fujifilm X-Pro1”