Fuji Xpro1, 35mm 1.4 lens.
Tag: san francisco
Fuji X-Pro1 Firmware Update
I’m hip-deep in a lot of retouching, and have some fun stuff to share coming up – including a few amazing weddings. I did want to drop a note about the latest firmware update for the X-Pro1. MUCH faster focus and some nice options -faster write to the card, faster delete, just all around improved performance for the camera. My friend Indra was vending at a club event last week, so I had a chance to test it in some really tricky lighting situations and was extremely impressed at the upgrade! Download the new update here.
All images were shot with the 35mm 1.4 lens
Check out the definition in the black areas on this shot. I’m more and more impressed with this camera’s performance in low light situations, as well as the auto white balance. Fuji also just announced an exciting new camera at Photokina – the X-E1, which looks terrific. I might need to get one for my partner so we’ll both have a Fuji and can share lenses!
Fujicolor 400, Film test
Double nostalgia day, film and the much-missed Red Vic theater on Haight St. Shot with the Canon Ae-1, film developed and scanned at Photoworks.
San Francisco Band Photography – Amanda Palmer
Touring is grueling and exhausting, but Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra were gracious and a lot of fun to photograph.
Street Photography
Over Pride weekend I participated in an street photography workshop with the extraordinarily talented Emilio Bañuelos of Black Books Ink. We were challenged to choose one camera and one lens, hit the streets and break out of our comfort zone. Doing this workshop was a birthday present to myself to deliberately force away from my usual style and to work towards being a more versatile and confident photographer.
All artists are our own worst critics. Until you go into a critique and other people start giving you constructive feedback. That this point you realize that other people are seeing flaws in your work you missed. Ha! An essential skill all creative people need to learn is to take feedback on what we make – while staying positive and excited about what we’re doing. With that in mind, Emilio, if you read this, know that I am still hearing your voice in my head whenever I compose along the same horizon line!
Here’s a few of my more successful shots from the weekend. I had a great time meeting some very talented photographers and I highly recommend participating in one of Black Book’s workshops if you have the chance.
All photos shot with the Canon EOS 5D Mark II and the Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L USM Wide-Angle Autofocus Lens. Processing done in Lightroom.
The Envy of the Neighborhood
Hayes Valley Encouragement

San Francisco pooch parking lot
Shot last weekend in the Mission. I love the dogs of San Francisco.
San Francisco Bride in Golden Gate Park
I’m off to Phoenix today to shoot a wedding at Taliesin West, where the weather report is calling for 100 degree heat!